Haptic Advice Tools

Countless about haptics ...?

Haptic advice tools

Have you ever seen it? Talked to customers about haptics – and as the questions were more detailed no more arguments were found?

We do not provide you with purely argumentation aids, but also provide you with very concrete assistance to advise your customers competently and individually haptically.


Together, we first develop a haptic profile: First and foremost, the question: Where should the journey actually go? What is the communication message to be “haptized”?


Whether you’re developing a new product, preparing a presentation, choosing a paper for a print object … We help you communicate haptically.

On our homepage, we will present haptic presentation tools in the coming weeks, which will allow you to use a structured and comprehensible approach to shed light on haptic darkness.

What is the Haptik Cube?

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